
Thursday, January 23, 2014

Health Screening for every woman - part one

What is a screening test?

Screenings are tests for the existence of certain diseases in people who have no symptoms. The purpose of these tests is to detect disease at an early stage, before their manifestation to occur. At that stage the treatment is very successful, and the consequences of the disease are much less. These tests are usually simple, affordable and do not cost much.

In the following text you will learn more about screening tests that can be recommend by your doctor and their meaning.

What is their significance?

Screening tests are one of the most important things you can do for yourself and for your health. Of course, it is very important to make the right test at the right time. The screening test revealed a variety of diseases, such as cancer or diabetes at an early stage, when you have no symptoms. At this stage the treatment is much easier and more successful of a wide range of different diseases and conditions.

What tests you need to do depends on your age and present risk factors for a certain disease.

Breast Cancer

Early detection of breast cancer greatly improves the chances of survival. The lower the cancer stage of its discovery, the better the chances of complete removal by operation. The smaller tumours it is less likely to be spread to lymph nodes and other organs such as the brain or lungs. All women are advised for self-check for cancer once a month. It is best to be performed 15 days after the onset of the menstrual cycle. If you are in the 20th or 30th years of life and have no known risk factors for breast cancer, clinical breast examination by a competent person should be part of regular health check-ups at least once every three years.

Using mammography as screening for breast cancer

Talk to your doctor about this test. This screening is recommended especially after age of 40 and should be performed once every 2 years, and after the 50th year at least once a year. The likelihood of early detection of the disease in this study is very large, but it should be noted that normal findings do not exclude completely the possibility of the presence of breast cancer.

Cancer of the cervix

The cervix is the part of the uterus that is located at the junction between the vagina and uterus. The most important risk factor for the occurrence of cervical cancer is infection with HPV (Human papilloma virus). Routine screening examination can detect cancer at a very early stage, when chances for cure are very high. Also routine screening can detect abnormal cells on the surface of the cervix, thus creating an opportunity for them to be removed even before the cancer arises from them.

Screening for cervical cancer

PAP - test is used for detection of cancer of the cervix. The doctor who performed the test takes samples of cells from the cervix. Then examined under a microscope if among them their pre cancerous or cancerous cells. The test should be done on the age of 21, or at most 3 years after first sexual experience. This test is very important in preventing and detecting of the disease. What you need to know is that the disease develops slowly, and with early detection the possibility of full recovery is very high.

Vaccine against cervical cancer

There is a vaccine against the types of HPV that are considered responsible for the occurrence of cancer. Usually girls or younger women receive the vaccine. However, there are other risk factors that may be responsible for the occurrence of cancer, even if you are vaccinated, it is important to do a routine Pap testing.


Osteoporosis is a condition in which bones become weak, brittle and porous. Occurs due to loss of bone tissue and reduce its density. This process usually occurs in the course of ageing, but not equally for all people, and going much more rapid among women after menopause. The first symptom is often a broken bone that occurs after a slight injury. Today it is possible to prevent osteoporosis and treated before upsets and consequences occur.

Screening test for osteoporosis

With DEXA test the bone density is measured and is determined the level of expression of osteoporosis before fractures occur in bones. This test is recommended for all women after 65 years of age as well as in women younger than 65 if they have any of the risk factors for osteoporosis.

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