
Friday, January 31, 2014

Aboulia - how to recognise it

Have you ever felt like you are lacking motivation? Maybe you're undecided and you lose the spontaneity? Or you are inert and lose interest to do something interesting and creative, maybe this can be a current state, a result of emotional problems in life, but some people with this condition may be characterised as aboulia or lack of willpower or motivation.

What is aboulia and how to recognise it?

Aboulia is a partial or complete inability of decision making or their un-conducting.

Aboulia patients are not able to make decisions for the family, even to themselves. Loses the ability to spontaneous actions or that ability is reduced. It is passive; the emotional response is reduced and loses interest in things that are happening around him. Social interactions among these individuals is reduced it becomes visible to the environment that something is going on with these people. They are slow to react to events in their social environment or are completely uninterested in them. They do not start a conversation, are quiet or not talk at all, and the physical response is slow or non-existent.


There have been numerous studies on whether aboulia is a separate disease or a symptom of an existing illness. It is concluded that aboulia is a consequence of already existing dement disease, ischemia, injury to brain tissue and is the most common cause of frontal lobe lesions.

Can it be treated?

Fortunately at the milder forms that are not strictly classified as aboulia, but as a form of depression, treatment is easy and includes antidepressant therapy, while at severe forms treatment approach is more complex.

If you or someone in your area has some of the above-mentioned symptoms suggest consulting a doctor.

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