
Monday, February 10, 2014

The most popular natural aphrodisiacs - Part two

Some most popular, and most dangerous aphrodisiacs

Most aphrodisiacs that we listed in the previous article and we are going to mention in this article to are harmless. Their action is reduced to mild irritation of the genitals, and belief in their aphrodisiac powers. However there aphrodisiacs that is extremely dangerous, especially if used in larger quantities.

In this article we continue the listing of the world's most known plants and animals that are considered to have aphrodisiac powers.


Before you pay attention to the old ancient plants that are believed to have aphrodisiac ability lets stop in alcohol. I believe that it is very good aphrodisiac because several glasses of alcohol (especially red wine or white) affect on launching of sex drive, mood and self-esteem in both men and women. Unfortunately, most people do not know how to use the grace intake of small amounts of alcohol in the body and are prone to overdose. Alcohol in small amounts can have a significant share in improving sex drive. However, excessive amounts of alcohol carries risks: besides the increased risk of developing depression, it can easily leave you embarrassed before the sexual act, or immediate cause erectile dysfunction. We advise if you are not the type of person who can only drink a glass or two of alcohol, better don't use it.

Spanish fly

Aphrodisiac that is especially dangerous. Unlike some others this has proven aphrodisiac effect . However this is considered an aphrodisiac extremely dangerous because the substance containing (cantharidin) except it affects as irritant on the genital mucosa also has a very dangerous effect on the entire organism. Studies have shown that cantharidin can cause significant gastrointestinal bleeding and halt the work of the kidneys. Because of this Spanish fly is not recommend for use, the damage that can do is significantly greater than the benefit that it give. However, if it decide to try be careful with dosing, many studies have shown that the use of Spanish fly is addictive.

Genitals of animals

Since ancient times are consumed many animals genitals. Except as launchers for sex drive, it was believed that the genitals of many animals serve as our reparators of our genital system, and that the consumption of animal genitalia repair the damage of human genital organs.
This is certainly not true, and aphrodisiac effect of animal on human genital organs is not proven.


This is product that is derived from the root of the eponymous plant. This plant is grown in China, and can survive in any season. This plant has been proven that there are many substances, and particularly is important ginsenoside that substance is believed that stimulates the secretion of testosterone, and it increases sexual desire. This drink must be consumed controlled because overdose with the preparation of this plant can be a risk of high blood pressure, allergies and breathing difficulties.


This aphrodisiac is considered as the oldest aphrodisiac with proven effects. Is obtained from the bark of the eponymous tropical tree that reaches a very high level, and it usually is in African rain forests. Extract from this tree raises sexual desire (in Germany is known as cure for impotence). This plant is also called natural Viagra because its effect is well researched. It works so that dilate blood vessels and allows better circulation in the area of the pelvic girdle. Also affects the nervous system, triggering the secretion of hormones and it increases sexual desire. Some scholars consider that because large amounts of the amino acid arginine located in this tree greatly helps in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Please note that it is very fortunate that arginine in large amounts does not harm the body, and it makes this extract safe to use.

Ginko Biloba

This is a well-known plant. It works so it relaxes blood vessels and increases circulation to the whole body, and thus the genitals. One of the few studies done on this plant indicates that 50 % of men who took part in the survey six months after taking 60 milligrams daily extract of this plant began to have normal sexual performance. This plant doesn't have some specific side effects except for occasional abdominal pain.

Muira Puama

This is a very popular aphrodisiac plant in the old Indian tribes. Effects on the central nervous system and stimulates the libido. This tree is located in South America, and is also known as the tree of manhood. Natives since long ago used it to treat frigidity, impotence and all other types of infertility. Side effects from the use of extracts from this tree are not known.

Unicorn (Aletris farinosa)

This multi aphrodisiac like most others is plant. The extract of the root acts like the female sex hormone estrogen. Like all other plants and this in ancient times, and today is used to treat infertility.


Similar like unicorn and Mandrake is a plant from which is make extract that serves as an aphrodisiac and as a cure for infertility. From this plant we use only root that resembles on the lower part of the female body.

The best aphrodisiac

Some of these aphrodisiacs you may have tried, or you intend to try.
Someone will be satisfied with its effect some may not, it's like I said, depending on how much you believe in their effect. However I will just mention that there is no better aphrodisiac than excitement to your partner...

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