
Sunday, February 9, 2014

Hugging Therapy


1. Find yourself a goal that you want to hug

2. Approach her

3. Surprise her and hug her

4. Do not let her


1. You get some momentary enjoyment with someone or something you adore

2. Enjoy the moment and think of '' the person'' you have hug

3. Man is a irrational being - everything is free he does not valued

4. All in this world is unrepeatable, so each hug is different of all previous ones and all future ones.

What are the benefits of hugging?

Reaction of the body

Through hugging increases levels of the hormone oxytocin, known as the bonding hormone (men have it in smaller quantities). It is a hormone that stimulates the rapprochement with other people and that makes us '' tie '' with them. Oxytocin keeps heart health and reduces the risk of heart disease.

It reduces the level of cortisol - a stress hormone. Through hugging we reduce the presence of this unwanted hormone in our body.

Relaxed and happy

It relaxes you and rest you and lowers the blood pressure.

Through hugging you are possessed by positive reactions and feelings of happiness. And to feel happy today is not so easy task.

The most unique feeling

Strengthens social ties.

You feel protected.

You feel loved. 

Close contact

Maintain close contact with someone who is important to you, and the contact is sometimes transform into intimate.

Reduces stress and pain

Hugging Therapy has proven effective in reducing stress and pain in adult persons and affect on reduction of symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.

Four hugs

According to the therapist Virginia Satir:

We need 4 hugs a day for survival.

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