
Monday, February 3, 2014

How to keep gained weight after dieting?

You were not satisfied with your physical appearance? You decided to lose weight, keep a diet and you managed that. Reached the desired weight. Perhaps you are happy and proud of yourself for achieving that success, because you have shown that you have character, when you decide something - you do it. Now you know that before you there is the more difficult task, and that is to keep your weight and prevent the return of the hard lost kilograms.

If your diet was recommended or under the supervision of a doctor or nutritionist, the easier it will be to maintain the current weight. The reason for this is that you were gradually losing weight and you are accustomed to the reduced diet. On the other hand if you started the diet by yourself some of the " fast " diets, which are characterised by severe deprivations and starlings, it is probably only a few days later to restore the lost kilograms. To prevent such a scenario and to not experience disappointment we recommend some tips that will keep your weight after hard dieting.

Take care of the dinner

The first thing that you need to pay attention is dinner. It should be an easy dinner. Do not employ not to eat anything all day, and dinner to be heavy meal. With such a diet you will quickly restore the lost weight, and thus you will feel bad during the day because you are starving.

Everything is allowed in moderate amounts

After the diet probably you will get a desire to eat something fatty, sweet, certain kinds of sauces or cheese. It is not forbidden to you, but please just be careful about the amounts you enter.

Vegetables and fruits

Fresh vegetables (onion, celery, carrot, spinach) reduce hunger and thus contain a few calories. You can eat vegetables 3-4 times a day, without fear that you are going to put on weight.

In addition to vegetables, your diet can be enriched with fruit. If you have a " fruit day " in your diet you do not have to follow such a diet. It is suffice during the week to replace a few meals (breakfast or dinner) by consuming fruit. 


You have to emphasise that eating large quantities of bananas (more than two) is not recommended because of their low calorie. Perhaps this will seem strange, but the banana has ingredients such as carbohydrate composed of natural sugars and starch. They are difficult to burn in the body and provide the body with sufficient amount of energy. Bananas are great for providing energy necessary before strenuous physical activity or training.


Drinking fluids is perhaps the key point that you should look out if you want good results after dieting. Most diets exclude consumption of carbonated drinks and alcohol, and the emphasis is placed on the input of mineral water and pressed fruit. It would be nice if after the diet you continue with the same way of consuming liquids, except that in certain situations, depending on the occasion you can drink a glass of soda, beer, etc.

Physical activity

Often during the diet beside fats you lose part of the muscle. It is necessary to return the muscle, and for that you do not have to go to the gym. The exercise program you can do by yourself or with the help of a professional in that field. The point is to do exercise at least half an hour every day. It will take time to burden, on the other hand is invaluable in that period. Besides the exercises it is recommended to select some recreational activities (swimming, running, aerobics, pilates, hiking and so on), which you will practice at least twice a week. It is important from time to time to modify the exercise program. This will prevent monotony of the exercise that can acts as a disincentive.


Practice the self-control, be moderate, be active and enjoy the beauty of life.

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