
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Garlic - a miracle of nature

Garlic since the distant past was used in medicine. Some of its qualities are proven by modern science, but others are still a puzzle.

Garlic in the past

People believed that garlic is used in time of plague epidemics. They believe in the myth that if you hang a wreath of garlic on the door, plague will pass.
During Christmas the children on their clothes were putting a clove of garlic, to be healthy and to be safe them from evil spirits.
During the wars in the past garlic was used as a remedy against gangrene.

Garlic today

Today this miracle of nature is used both for treatment and for prevention of health problems - ranging from high cholesterol to the common cough.

Natural antibiotic

Garlic is most popular on the property to be a natural antibiotic. In the 19th century, Louis Pasteur studied antibiotic capacity of garlic in a laboratory; today many modern scientific tests confirm it.
Analyses indicate that compared to some antibiotics, garlic has a wider range of action.
The antibacterial properties of garlic are due to allicin ingredient, which unfortunately is destroyed by the high temperature during cooking.

Affect on blood pressure

It is known that garlic helps in dealing with the instability of blood pressure. It is scientifically proven that garlic lowers blood pressure. This feature is due to sulphides in it that are not destroyed during thermal processing.

Untreated tooth pain

Hippocrates recommended the garlic against dental pain. Some methods in folk medicine suggest using external coatings of garlic, but better effect occurs when the garlic is placed directly on the ailing tooth.
The reason that garlic reduces pain is due to the ingredient allicin, which prevents the development of bacteria in the mouth and diseased tooth, but cannot prevent the development of caries.


To be sure in the effectiveness of garlic, peel it first and then crushed it. This will ensure allicin to act directly.
Allicin is a complex chemical compound - an unstable compound that breaks down quickly. The older the garlic is the smaller amount of allicin.

What about bad breathe after that?

Many people avoid eating garlic because of bad breath and taste in your mouth. The bacteria that cause bad breath can be easily removed by ordinary methods hygiene - regular brushing of teeth and tongue.
Another way to remove unpleasant odour after eating garlic is to eat fresh parsley. It is no accident that in recipes where garlic is used parsley is present to. To have the full effect parsley should be chewed.

The bad odour should not be a problem

The surest way to solve the problem of bad breath from garlic is by consumption in the company of friends, lovers of this wonder of nature.
The bigger problem may be the smell of garlic that remains on the hands, but it is easily dealt with by washing your hands with lemon juice.

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