For many women and girls first visit to the gynaecologist is a cause for anxiety. The fact that you have to show the intimate areas to new, unknown person (often gynaecologist are men) creates understandable stress. But it's largely due to the lack of representation what gynaecological examination looks like.
Most women do not know what to expect, not knowing what I asked the doctor, and do not know what gynaecological examination is. We hope that with this article we will encourage to go to the examination that will help you to overcome prejudices and fears and will also contribute the same to be less unpleasant for you.
When is the best time to go to the gynaecologist?
If you do not have problems, it's best to go to regular examinations several days after menstruation or somewhere around the middle of the menstrual cycle. Then it is easier to examine the neck of the womb and for taking samples for cytology analysis.
Reasons to visit the gynaecologist
If you properly care for your health, the gynaecologist should be visited at least once a year. If you have problems with frequent infections or you are using hormonal contraceptive then the checks should be performed at least twice a year.
You should visit gynaecologist earlier if you have any other complaints. The examination is required for eg. when your cycle is irregular, if you have bleeding between periods, pain during intercourse, if you suspect that you are pregnant, if you need oral contraceptives etc. Also if you have 16 years and have not had a menstrual period you should visit the gynaecologist.
How to prepare yourself?
Medical documentation
Besides identification documents and medical card, if you go to a public health facility or institution that collaborates with the Health Fund we suggest you to have a confirmation that you have health insurance.
Preparation before the examination
We recommend taking a shower and washing the private parts with water or a mild soap. Often women are wondering whether to remove hairs on intimate parts before visiting the doctor. The answer is that to the gynaecologist it makes no difference. However, if you believe that you personally will be more comfortable, then removing hair from intimate parts is completely ok. It is good prior the visit to urinate, the bladder to be empty in order to be free and to avoid unnecessary discomfort during examination.
It is advisable to wear comfortable clothing. Keep in mind that the doctor should examine intimate parts including breasts.
Course of the examination
Talk with your doctor about your concerns and all the fuzzy questions you have about your health
Breast examination
External examination of the body and genitals
Pelvic examination. This part of the examination is going to be done on the gynaecological chair where the woman lies on her back with spread the legs. In the first act the doctor checks for some disorders in the outer parts of the genitals. Next with help of special instruments to the doctor examines the inner part of the genital tract to assess the situation of the cervix, vagina, appearance of vaginal secretions and mucus of the cervix. During this part of the examination if necessary, material for cytological analysis is taken. Finally continues with palpation to an overall assessment of the condition of the genitals.
The doctor may ask you this questions
your condition and your pains
first and last periods
maintenance of sex
your gynaecological history
past operations in the pelvis
the nature of the menstrual bleeding
any bleeding that are not associated to the menstrual cycle
problems associated with the vulva and vagina
discomfort or instability of genitals etc.
Remember that full and proper gynaecological examination will allow the doctor to give an accurate assessment of your condition and health of the genitals Every woman should regularly visit gynaecologist at least once a year.
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