
Friday, January 24, 2014

Less fat - more calories?

When you are trying to cut down on fat in the body through food, ask yourself if this cut on the other side you compensate with sweets. Many of us compensate the reduced intake of fat by increasing the intake of sugars. Usually it happens without notice.

Here's why: a large part of the products with reduced fat content that are available on the market have high levels of sugar, salt, artificial sweeteners and other additives that are added to improve the taste and texture of the final product and make it to be just as tasty as it was before to reduce the proportion of fat in it.

Although sugars contain fewer calories from fat, its calories are called empty calories that provide energy and nothing more. Increasing the intake of salt in long-term can lead to higher blood pressure, and artificial additives have been linked with an array allergic reactions, asthma, digestive disorders and behavioural disorders.

More it should be noted that the fat in food affect the feeling of satiety.

Because of all the above it is recommended reducing fat in foods to be moderate.

What needs to become your habit is to remember when buying food in the supermarket to read nutritive values ​​of the product you buy.

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