
Monday, January 27, 2014



Acne is often inflammatory disease of the sebaceous glands of the skin that is characterised by the appearance of comedones (blockage which can be opened - black and closed - white), pimples, and in severe cases the appearance of nodules and cysts. Changes often occur on the face, back, shoulders and chest. Although most teenagers face these changes, the disease is not limited by age.

Acne is not life threatening disease, but can be unpleasant and create problems, and in some cases lead to the creation of permanent scarring of the skin.

Alternative names:

Acne vulgaris; Pimples.


Acne is occurring after occlusion of pores on the skin surface. Pore opening is actually the follicular canal. Or contains hair follicles and tallow gland. Under normal conditions tallow glands lubricate the skin and helps in removing dead cells on its surface. When the glands begin to produce too much sebum, it blocks the pores and occurs accumulation of dirt, debris and bacteria. This condition is called comedone (blockage).

Top of comedones can be white or black. If ruptures, the material that accumulates can be spread around the pore and cause an inflammatory reaction. If there is inflammation deeper within the skin, Pimples will become larger and form solid painful cyst.

Acne can be caused by:

hormonal changes associated with the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, stress, etc..
fatty cosmetic products
certain medications 
when there is more humidity and often sweating

Most common are among the teenagers but can occur at any age.

While it is a popular belief that certain foods can cause acne, it is not yet confirmed.


Acne typically occurs on the face, chest, back and shoulders. In fact on these places the skin has the highest concentration of sebaceous glands. Acne can occur in the following forms:

comedones (closed - white or open - black blockage etc.). 

papules - these are small spherical highs above the skin signalling that inflammation occurs in the hair follicle. They may be red and painfully sensitive.

pustules - are red sensitive highs above the skin with white pus on top.

nodules - these are large, solid, painful nodules beneath the skin. They are created by the accumulation of secretions deep in the hair follicle.

cysts - these are painful nodules filled with pus, located below the surface of the skin. Can cause scarring.


Acne is usually not a serious illness, but requires treatment of the pimples or inflamed cysts by a dermatologist to avoid scarring or other skin damage. If they affect on the self-esteem or social relations also is advisable to call the doctor.


Your doctor can diagnose acne based on changes in the skin. Additional tests are not usually needed.


What can you do to reduce the effects of acne?

wash the skin gently with a mild soap that does not dry skin
remove all impurities from the makeup
wash once or twice a day, including after exercise, but avoid over- washing.
If you have oily hair wash your hair with shampoo daily, combing backward to be away from your face and avoid solid locks of hair
Do not squeeze or rub them, because it can lead to scarring or develop of skin inflammation
Avoid picking your face with hands
Avoid the use of oily creams or other cosmetic products
remove the makeup before going to bed

If these steps do not help you to control the situation with acne try herbal creams and lotions that are applied directly to the skin. They usually contain a variety of active ingredients such as: Benzyl peroxide, sulphur, resorcinol, salicylic acid, etc.. The basis of their action is killing bacteria and drying of fat.

Finally we advise you to consult the dermatologist.

These are the drugs that your doctor may prescribe:

oral antibiotics (for example from the group of tetracycline )

local topical antibiotics - drugs that are applied directly to the skin

Gels or creams containing retinoic acid

drugs containing benzyl peroxide, sulphur, resorcinol, salicylic acid

The doctor may also recommend chemical peeling of the skin, removal or drainage of cysts, various laser treatments and more.

Exposure to sunlight helps the treatment, but be moderate exposure to the sun. If it is excessive increases the risk of occurrence of skin cancer


Usually acne withdrawn after adolescence, but may last longer. The condition generally responds well to several weeks of therapy, but can occur again from time to time. The creation of scarring occurs when severe cases of acne remain untreated. Also, if you do not treat acne there are possible emotional difficulties especially in teenagers.


Possible complications include:

changes in skin colour
occurrence of cysts
emotional disorders such as reducing self-esteem, problems in social life, changes in the character
lasting scars
Side effects of the drugs that are used during the treatment


After withdrawal of acne, you may need to continue treatment to prevent recurrence of the disease. Consult your doctor about prevention of future eruptions.

Measures you can take by yourself are:

Wash areas where acne occur twice a day and use assets on the base of water and assets that does not contain various oils
Use cosmetic products as anti- acne that as active ingredient have benzyl peroxide or salicylic acid
Avoid applying too much makeup
remove the makeup before going to bed
Wear comfortable clothing
take a shower after every workout

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