Your nervous system is the first thing that is attacked during conditions of stress, tension and emotion. Thus, there is great significance to reduce this destructive influence in life, to the highest possible level. Individuals seeking solutions rather than complaining about the problems generally are healthier than others. Sometimes the solution is not to change the situation, but a change in attitude and behaviour. Rehearsing the ability to deal with difficulties and to stay motivated is the key to stay happy.
Six supplements that help your nervous system
Pay attention to fruits, vegetables and grains that are rich in magnesium, and fish from cold waters - such as salmon, which are rich in omega - 3 essential fatty acids, and magnesium. Dairy products provide support to the nervous system, as a rich source of calcium, but pay more attention to the low-calorie products. However, six supplements that really are more than necessary for your nervous system are:
1. Essential fatty acids - of which benefit all cells in the body, including nerve, which assist in the implementation of neural impulses. Omega-3 essential fatty acid, and DHA and EPA are very important although their sources of food are very limited.
2. Calcium - important for nerve impulses, especially together with magnesium.
3. Magnesium - the number one supplement to calm nerves! As calcium is for bones, magnesium is for the nerves. I is important for nerve impulses and its lack leads to irritability and nervousness.
5. Lecithin - rich in choline, which is necessary for proper transmission of nerve impulses from the brain to the central nervous system, and also protects and repairs, damaged nerves. Daily doses ranging from 1200 to 2400 mg in the form of soft gel capsule.
6. Chamomile - is recommended for everyone who needs stress relief, in the form of tea, essential oil or supplement.
Prevent adverse impacts
Everything what stress is for your nerves is a negative impact, but much of it simply cannot be avoided. However, the following three stressors perform extensive damage and its prevention is under your control.
Tobacco - people say they smoke to "calm the nerves", but just the opposite happens. Smoking is a sure way to damage the nerves because it constricts the tiny capillaries that feed them.
Obesity - overweight increases nerve disorders and anxiety. Give yourself a job to really lose the weight (half to one kilogram a week), bearing in mind that a reliable and persistent win.
Carbonated beverages - Magnesium is a key mineral for the health of nerves, and carbonated drinks like soda, contain phosphorus, which binds to magnesium and makes him not available to you body.
Memory and support for your brain
Experts specified that is under our control keeping at least 2 /3 of the health of our brains. It is known that what you eat goes into your brain so it makes sense that we should make dietary choices that will make your brainwork flawless. Medical experts have identified several key supplements that help your body to keep the brain young and healthy as possible. And finally, do not avoid exercise because it plays an important role in preserving memory. Daily 30 minute walking helps the brain to operate at full capacity, and even promote growth of new nerve cells and improves memory and learning.
Real food for your brain
Coloured food - the brain needs plenty of antioxidants to fight off free radicals that can destroy neurones. Eat dark green vegetables like spinach and broccoli, red foods like tomatoes and peppers, dark yellow as a pumpkin, and fruits such as blueberries and raspberries. The pigment of food determines the antioxidant power, so select them strongly coloured fruits and vegetables.
Fish - about 60 % of the brain is actually fatty matter that is why consumption of healthy fats is vital for mental health. Fats should come from sources such as salmon and other cold-water fish that provide healthy amounts of omega - 3 fatty acids, which keep the brain in top shape.
Protein - amino acids from proteins provide 80 % of the material from which are constructed brain neurotransmitters. Consuming adequate amounts of protein from fish, poultry, soy and whey will make you have clear head and be less moody.
Four supplements for great thinking
2. Vitamin B - Complex - the researchers found that maintaining the level of homocysteine in healthy proportions not only helps the cardiovascular system, but also greatly affects brain health. There is no better combination of B6, B12 and folic acid to achieve it.
3. Vitamin E - given that most of the brain is made of a slick material, the water-soluble antioxidant done wonders in terms of protecting the brain.
4. Ginkgo biloba - highly effective in promoting brain circulation, which in turn improves memory.
Emotional health
Health problems that involve emotions are constantly increasing worldwide. Experts seek probable reasons to explain this increase, although still very few understand why as a society we face the emotional problems more than ever. Among nutritionists one thing is certain: our diet greatly lacks key nutrients who provide us with the raw materials needed to create the primary brain chemicals such as dopamine and serotonin, two hormones necessary for emotional health. For many individuals, the addition of dietary essential fatty acids and amino acids, mean difference of just being and living with passion, joy and happiness. And do not forget, our brain needs especially very clean and fresh water!
Basic supplements to improve your emotional health
Omega - 3 essential fatty acids - flax oil is a good source of this essential fatty acid and fish oil that provides sufficient amounts of DHA and EPA are two of the essential Omega - 3 essential fatty acids for brain health, although your liver should convert the flax oil in these fatty acids.
Calcium and Magnesium - Calcium is absolutely essential for a healthy nervous system and does wonders to reduce emotional care, while magnesium combat stress.
Vitamin B and C - are necessary for normal functioning of the brain and nervous system. Not surprisingly, many people that feel stressed are deficient in B -complex and vitamin C.
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