
Friday, February 14, 2014

Benefit of reading a book

How does reading a book affect on you? How can book keep our attention, to concentrate us, get us away from everyday routine and make us instant smarter?

Lets count the reasons why it is recommended to read the book:

Improves dictionary

While reading a book you encounter a lot of unknown terms for you. Their importance you’re finding out in the context in which they are used and then are easily remembered.
On the other hand, if occasionally you choose to learn a new word looking for it in the dictionary, you will use it only a few times, so you will easily forget it.

Improves concentration

When you are reading, your entire focus is directed towards what happens in the book and that is for a longer period of time.
In contrast, the information the brain receives through TV, magazines and the Internet where just incomplete news is flying around we will fail to register them fully.
In the book is about a full story that gradually we understand it and that is why we remembered it for longer period and without trying we can remember of it.

Improves memory

Studies show that if you do not exercise you memory, it will be lost. Reading is not a game but a way of mental gymnastics. You start to remember names, dates, characters, and chronology of activities and fit them into a whole.

Initiate creativity

Especially if continuous reading material from a particular area you will find out new information that will help you to reach solutions by yourself. The new information that you find out is kind of refreshing for your mindset; change the perception of things and perceiving them in many ways.

Reading is an active mental process

Reading makes you use your brain, makes you think, which means you have chosen a good way to become smarter.

Reading is fundamental for developing skills

The book is the easiest way to learn about your problem. That is why reading at home is sometimes more effective than the best discussion that occurred in the classroom.

You learn more about various cultures and destinations worldwide

If you have more favorite destinations, buying a book that reflects the local sights, history, characteristics, particularly those with good illustrations makes you feel like a tourist guide.
The desire and passion to visit this place will surely increase even more than before.
And the likelihood that you will learn more than what locals know is really great. :-)

Gives suggestions for conversation

If you find yourself in a situation to have to start an interesting topic for conversation or to impress someone with what you know and what for the others is not as current or not at all actual or unknown, then for the moment you rise on the throne. For anyone certainly is a challenge later to check what you said and fix you if possible, that is why you need to inform well for what they transfer to others, even more if you share (expert) advice.

You become immune to surprises

While reading you encounter many unforeseen things, facts, events... that previously surprise you. So in reality you are slowly starting to realise and sense details and be ready for them.
Apparently reading is a way of awakening the human intuition.

Reduces stress

When you are under stress, when you don't want to talk, when you are going through a hard time and you just do not want to do anything, read a book to take your mind of things that occupy your brain daily.
The book is your friend to who you can talk to intimately for hours.

Myth or truth - page no. 99

Recent research has shown that when you want to buy a particular book or you have it at home butt you can't start reading it, open it to page 99, and see what is happing, if you like it than read it, in not advance to the next book in your home library.

Are we mentioned that reading makes you smarter? :-)

Therefore, read books, self educate, Invest in you and be better than everyone else.
Knowledge is where we differ.

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