
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

With a few tips to fewer wrinkles on the face

Sleep on your back

American Academy of Dermatology warns that sleeping at the particular position every night after a long period leads to the creation of deep wrinkles that will stop disappearing as usually after waking. Sleeping on the side will increase the appearance of wrinkles on cheeks and chin, while sleeping with the head sank into the pillow contributes to wrinkles on the skin above the eyebrows. Therefore, to reduce the formation of wrinkles on the face you should sleep on the back.

Eat more fish - particularly salmon

Fish, especially salmon is a rich source of protein and omega 3 fatty acids. Elasticity of skin depends on the proteins while essential fatty acids affect the maintenance of its smoothness. Eat fish and thus contribute to the rejuvenation of your skin.

Use sunglasses and reading glasses

Consciously or unconsciously performing of repetitive facial movements with your eyes it strains facial muscles, which leads to the creation of grooves on the surface of the skin. Over crease over time will create wrinkles. So stop doing that - open your eyes! Use reading glasses if you need them. Also, be sure to use sunglasses. They will not only prevent you turn a blind eye when you are exposed to sunlight, but also protect the delicate skin around the eyes from damage caused by sunlight.

Instead of coffee drink cocoa

In a study published in the "Journal of Nutrition" the researchers in cocoa found high levels of two flavonoids - epitathin and catechins. They protect the skin from damage caused by the sun's rays and also contribute to improving its circulation and hydration. As a result the skin becomes smoother.

Gently washing the face

Excessive washing dries the skin. The washing removes the natural fat in which it is excreted, which is important for its humidification and anti wrinkles. If you wash your face too often, consider that it remove the natural protection of the skin. Use cleansing tonic for the skin, unless you use soap that hydrates skin.

Let the basic rules of skin care become your daily routine

If you want your skin to stay young as long as possible, start with the basic rules. Probably you have read about these conditions somewhere before. However, we consider it worthwhile to recap: • Avoid sun exposure • Use a sunscreen with a high protection factor • Stop smoking • Use humidification creams.

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