
Saturday, February 1, 2014

Aerobic exercise - calorie consumption

Aerobic exercises are the exercises that consume the most energy from us. Performing aerobic exercise requires the use of large muscle groups by performing continuous rhythmic movements. For it are necessary large amounts of oxygen. Running and cycling are among the most known aerobic exercises.

In addition look at the list of aerobic activities and calories spent in doing the same during one hour. Calculations are made for a person who weighs 75kg. A man who weighs 100kg need to add about 25% of the given amount.

Cycling ( 15km/h ) - 292

Jogging ( 8 km / h ) - 584

Running ( 12 km / h ) - 986

Walk - ( 5km / h ) - 277

Walking over rough terrain - 438

Dance - 354

Aerobics ( high intensity ) - 511

Aerobic ( low intensity ) - 365

Driving rollers - 913

Jumping rope - 730

Climbing stairs - exercises on steppers - 657

Playing tennis - 584

Ice skating - 511

Research shows that regular aerobic exercise performance helps reduce excess fat and has a number of positive effects on the heart, lungs and bloodstream. To maintain good health it is recommended to perform aerobic exercises at least 3 times a week for half an hour.

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